Tracy Dolgin
Title: President/CEO, YES Network
Number of Years in Cable: 17
Education: Undergraduate, Cornell; MBA, Stanford
Best Advice in 7 Words or Less: Stay at home!
Ray Hopkins
Title: COO, YES Network
Number of Years in Cable: 26
Education: Undergraduate, Gettysburg College; Executive Education Program for Senior Executives, Kellogg Graduate School of Management at Northwestern University
Best Advice in 7 Words or Less: Stay humble.

Why Them? 2012 ended on a high note for Dolgin and Hopkins with the sale of 49% of YES to News Corp. While Dolgin may come at the business as a marketer and Hopkins with a sales perspective, both are knowledgeable about every corner of the business. Despite changes in ownership, the company is moving full-speed ahead, particularly when it comes to new technology. For example, YES now offers second-screen applications accompanying both its Yankees and Brooklyn Nets telecasts. TV Everywhere models are on the radar too as the duo looks at launching a YES national feed to cable operators across the country.

Apple or Samsung? Apple
Beatles or The Rolling Stones? The Rolling Stones
On a Saturday afternoon, you can find me… on the golf course.
My peers would be surprised to learn that I… am a Deadhead.
I consider this person my mentor, and here’s why: Frank O’Connell, my first boss in the media business, at HBO. He taught me everything I know.
Apple or Samsung: Apple
Beatles or Rolling Stones: Rolling Stones
The one thing I’d do differently if I could go back to high school: Not go to an all-boys high school.
On a Saturday afternoon, you can find me… hopefully on the golf course.
Appetizer or dessert? Appetizer
Favorite decade? ‘80s
I watch the majority of programming on this device: TV
My favorite Cable Show memory: My first day in cable was the NCTA Show in Dallas, and I was star-struck over the glitz and glamour of the programmers’ booths.

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Cogeco’s 1Q25 earnings call Tuesday was an opportunity to get a better understanding of Breezeline’s operations under the company’s unified operating structure.

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Cablefax 100 Awards Nominations Open November 13th, 2024.
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