Bob DeBitetto and Nancy Dubuc
Titles: Pres/GM, A&E, Bio Channel (Bob); EVP/GM, History (Nancy)
Ages: 50 (Bob), 39 (Nancy)
Last Year: #50
Education: SUNY Stony Brook, BA, (Phi Beta Kappa); UCLA School of Law, JD (honors) (Bob). Boston U (Nancy)

Why Them? We broke our rule about putting 2 execs in a single slot, but DeBitetto and Dubuc’s titles are so similar we made an exception. They share more than this slot. Both remade A&E into a top 10 net, with Dubuc, in an earlier gig, launching young-skewing hits like Growing Up Gotti and Intervention. DeBitetto continued the addiction theme in ’08 with The Cleaner, A&E’s first scripted series in 6 years, which doubled the net’s prime avg and became its top series for 18-49s and 25-54s. Nothing illustrates Dubuc’s quest for a new take on history better than specials Life After People (seen by a record 5.4mln viewers) and the less lofty but stimulating All About Dung.

Cleaned Clock: Benjamin Bratt vehicle The Cleaner was renewed, and fabulous 9/11 special 102 Minutes That Changed America (seen by 14mln over 2 nights) helped History to its best Sept and 3Q, with adults 18-49 up 25% (Sept).

Year Ahead:
History’s strong numbers should continue unabated; A&E’s launch of The Beast with Patrick Swayze will grab ratings, but the star’s cancer casts a shadow over the series’ future.

Bob DeBitetto

Favorite Food(s): Italian; Sushi (not Italian sushi, tho that’s pretty good too…)

Favorite Restaurant: Sant Ambreuse and Ino (West Village); Odeon (Tribeca, old school!)

Drink of Choice: 1997 Ornellaia (if I can find it)

Favorite Music: Love it all

Unnecessary Luxury I Like Most: Really good red wine

Favorite Show Not On My Network: Entourage, The Daily Show

Last Book Read:  Atonement  

In ’09 I Resolve To:  Think of better answers to these questions    

Favorite Part of My Job:  As head of a TV net, it truly is a nearly 50/50 blend of right brain/left brain thinking   

Best Business Advice Received: Go with your gut and make your mark

Trait I Most Admire in People: Superficial beauty

Nancy Dubuc

Favorite Food: Anything I can eat uninterrupted (2 small kids)

Favorite Restaurant: Mary’s Fish Camp – reminds me of home

Drink of Choice: Very good wine

Favorite Music: I’m into Colin Hay these days

Unnecessary Luxury I Like Most: Very good wine

Favorite Show Not on My Network: Would 24 come back already!

Last Book Read: Raising Cain

In ’09 I Resolve To: Stay on Budget

Favorite Part of My Job: It’s different every day

Worst Part of My Job: It’s different every day

Best Business Advice Received:  The second best answer to Yes, is No

My Company Is Preparing For The Future By: Growing our brand strength

Philosophy Of Life:  Can’t improve on Nike’s – Just Do it.

I Wish My Kids Would: Sleep

Favorite Word: Love

Least Favorite Word: Hate

The Trait You Most Admire In People: Grace

Favorite Sports Team: Red Sox


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