Melinda Witmer
Title: EVP/Chief Prog Officer, TW Cable
Last Year: #15
Age: Young at heart
Education: U of AZ, BA; U of PA, JD

Why Her? Witmer came into her own this year as one of cable’s shrewdest negotiators, having learned much about the art from the late master Fred Dressler.

Big Break: A deal reached in late October with LIN TV to return 12 stations to the dial in TW markets.

Year Ahead:
A tough economic climate, plus the growing popularity of Web content streaming, could complicate negotiations.

Drink of Choice: I take lots of ribbing for my preference for pink wine!

Last Book Read: The Brain That Changes Itself by Norman Doidge

In ’09 I Resolve To: “Deliver something special and unexpected.”

Favorite Part of My Job Is: “
Working with so many smart and creative people and never, ever being bored. I am constantly challenged and constantly amazed at the pace of change and innovation in our industry. Working with really fun people and having a team that can laugh their way through almost anything.”
Cable’s Biggest Challenge Is:
“Keeping it fun in a challenging environment.”

Best Business Advice Received: One that always keeps me grounded: If you ever get to feeling important, never forget, it’s the chair they come to see — you’re just the body keeping it warm. (You can all guess who the wise man was that passed that one along!)

My Company Is Preparing for the Future By: More than ever focusing on the consumer first and foremost; everything else flows from there.

Philosophy of Life: It’s an adventure, not a cruise.

Least Favorite Word: Balance

Trait I Most Admire: Honesty

Favorite Sports Team: Scarsdale Raiders


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Paramount Shareholder Sues Over Skydance Merger

A Paramount shareholder filed a lawsuit in Delaware’s Court of Chancery on Wednesday seeking to block the merger agreement with Skydance Media . The lawsuit from shareholder Scott Baker alleges that

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