CTAM Notebook
Consumers-especially the tech savvy-know of VoIP, with CTAM’s March/April Pulse survey finding 28% of the 882 respondents are aware of the tech. 25% of those who’ve heard of it are "very" or "somewhat" interested in VoIP. Interest is particularly high among broadband (58%) and satellite HHs (46%). Other tidbits: 74% consider 911 essential and 28% say they would consider eliminating wired home phone service and rely solely on wireless. — Oh No Moto: Motorola [MOT] took some hits in a DVR session for its slowness in getting a DVR box to market. "Anything from Motorola would please us," Lisa Pickelsimer, dir, video prod dev for Cox, said in response to whether Cox would be willing to deploy a single tuner box from Motorola (yes, but it’d prefer not to). Another question on Motorola and DVRs prompted Time Warner Cable vp, new prod mgmt Fred Pappalardo to remark that Motorola "doesn’t really do anything at this point."