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(Source: Horowitz Research)

➢ 80% of Latinx TV content viewers are streamers, including 64% of Latinx Spanish-language content viewers.

➢ On average, Latinx streamers pay for 4 streaming services.

➢ Half of Latinx households (49%) subscribe to both a traditional MVPD and at least one streaming service. Only 11% are MVPD-only households.

➢ Six in 10 Latinx watch Spanish-language content at least occasionally.

Up Ahead

August 6: CFX Regional Rainmakers Nominations Due

August 9-13: CableLabs Innovation Boot Camp, Virtual

August 10-13: C2HR Con, Virtual

August 11-12: Kaitz Foundation Hollywood Creative Forum, Virtual

Sept 15-16: Mid-America Cable Show, Omaha

Sept 28: T Howard Dinner, NYC


“We do see an opening up happening all across the country. We’ll have to see what happens with the Delta variant, but people are back in our stores… we’re seeing switching return to the market. In the second half, that’s always been traditionally when the action is. That’s when Apple sometimes brings new devices out, it is back to school season… it’s a competitive market, but it’s been a competitive market. Every quarter, the nature of that competition changes, and usually it is us setting the pace. Right now, it is device offers. All the companies are out there with fantastic device offers and they are centering them around more premium plan offerings… this has always been an intensely competitive market, at least since we’ve been the Uncarrier.”

– T-Mobile CEO Mike Sievert speaking with CNBC on his company’s 2Q21 results and high levels of account growth across the wireless industry

The Daily


BEAD Changes Coming Soon?

Broadband providers have been bracing since the election for a revamp of the $42 billion BEAD program that would give more money for broadband deployment to satellite broadband, including Starlink.

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Apr 16
Cablefax 100 Awards CFX100 2025 List to be published 4/16/25
May 7
2025 Faxies Awards Faxies Nominations Open! Final deadline: 3/14/25
Full Calendar


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