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(Source: Dell’Oro Group’s Fixed Wireless Access Infrastructure and CEP Advanced Research Report)

➢ Total Fixed Wireless Access revenues, including both RAN equipment and CPE revenue, remain on track to grow 35% in 2022. The boost was driven largely by subscriber growth in North America.

➢ Global FWA revenues are projected to surpass $5 billion by 2026, reflecting sustained investment and sub growth in both 3GPP- and non-3GPP-based network deployments.

➢ Long-term subscriber growth is expected to occur in emerging markets in Southeast Asia and MEA, due to upgrades to existing LTE networks and a need to connect subscribers economically.

Up Ahead

December 8: Cablefax Most Powerful Women Celebration Luncheon; The Edison Ballroom, NYC

January 5-8: CES 2023, Las Vegas

January 24-26: Content Americas, Miami

February 7: Regional Fiber Connect; Raleigh, NC


“We reached our agreement with [Reach Mobile] towards the end of last year. I would call it MVNO-lite, we’re not all in yet. They are resellers of the big three telephony providers and we’re reselling the reseller in the mobile light. That just basically means we sell it to our customers, we’ll earn a little something, but we don’t have care, we don’t have billing, etc. etc. We started it out as a test. It’s now, as of about two months ago, available to the entire blueprint. We’re starting to see the take rates come up a bit, so we have to make a decision probably in the next year on do we want to go from MVNO-lite to MVNO, all the way in.”

– WOW! CFO John Rego at the RBC Capital Markets TIMT Conference

The Daily


Cogeco Addresses Potential Breezeline Cuts, BEAD

Cogeco’s 1Q25 earnings call Tuesday was an opportunity to get a better understanding of Breezeline’s operations under the company’s unified operating structure.

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Apr 16
Cablefax 100 Awards Nominations Open November 13th, 2024.
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