In the States
Comcast [CMCSA] rolled out Discovery HD Theater to its Baltimore area systems Tues. Rollouts will continue on a market-by-market basis. Discovery Nets VOD content will start to debut in the next few weeks. — The House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Telecommunications and the Internet scheduled a hearing for Wed, 10am re VoIP regulation. Witness list not final. — FCC staffers reportedly want the commission to fine Viacom $550K for CBS & MTV’s alleged culpability in Boobiegate. — CA’s Senate Energy, Utilities and Comms Committee Wed scotched Verizon’s hurried attempt to push through a bill allowing it to offer video. CCTA pres Dennis Mangers called the ruling a "victory" for cable. — Broadcasters are panicking over a proposed strike of hotel workers in CA that could shut the facility chosen for The Critics Assoc tour (TCA) that begins next Thurs with PBS. Cable’s TCA turn starts July 21.