Earlier this week at the “TV of Tomorrow Show" in San Francisco, interactive TV developer Strategy & Technology (S&T) unveiled a new solution for the synchronization of "second screen" application content with broadcast video.??

The system provides seamless operation of synchronized second screen applications – viewed on smartphones or tablets – for cable, terrestrial and satellite platforms, and it can be deployed alongside any and all television devices and set-top boxes, regardless of the STB capabilities, S&T says.

“The solution provides broadcasters the ability to synchronize their second-screen applications with both editorial and advertising content, independent of the content’s final distribution and delivery technology,” it adds.??

In addition, the solution analyzes interactive content from the broadcast stream, and uses synchronization and triggers from that content to update information to be delivered on the second screen. It builds on the tools already in use by broadcasters for inserting interactive content alongside video, including S&T’s TSBinder and TSBroadcaster products.?

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FCC Docket Deadline Looms on Political Ad Transparency

The FCC has extended the comment deadline for its proposed rulemaking on greater transparency regarding the use of AI-generated content in political advertising to Sept. 19.

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Dec 4
2024 Most Powerful Women Awards Nominations Open July 8th, 2024.
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