The latest by:
Sara Winegardner
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Pros and Cons: Weighing the Impact of Late Stage Bead Changes
Stakeholders are contemplating what they’d like to see change about the BEAD program and the impact of changes at this late stage.
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Grain Management Snags Assets From T-Mobile in Deal
More spectrum is on the move with T-Mobile confirming late Thursday that it plans to offload its 800 MHz spectrum to private investment firm Grain Management .
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Beyond the Bandwidth: ISPs Prioritize Resiliency in Times of Calm and Chaos
It’s been a tough six months for portions of the United States that have been ravaged by natural disasters.
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FTC Oustings Raise Red Flags For Other Agencies
Washington observers are still reeling after news that President Trump had fired Democratic FTC Commissioners Rebecca Slaughter and Alvaro Bedoya.
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Steps Forward: Industry Offers AI Policy Recommendations
Comments were due to the Office of Science and Technology Policy on what should be included in an AI Action Plan.
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Stakeholders Ask for Strategy Updates Around Spectrum
The U.S. leading in spectrum policy doesn’t just benefit domestic companies. It shapes how the nation shows up on the global stage.