The latest by:
Sara Winegardner
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Roth Responds to Questioning on BEAD
Senate Commerce hosted the nomination hearing of Arielle Roth, up for NTIA Administrator, Thursday, and the gathering, for the most part, centered on her thoughts on BEAD reform.
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High Court Hesitant to Roll Back Longstanding USF Program
The FCC’s Universal Service Fund had another day in court Wednesday as the U.S. Supreme Court heard oral arguments in the most recent challenge to the program.
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Pros and Cons: Weighing the Impact of Late Stage Bead Changes
Stakeholders are contemplating what they’d like to see change about the BEAD program and the impact of changes at this late stage.
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Grain Management Snags Assets From T-Mobile in Deal
More spectrum is on the move with T-Mobile confirming late Thursday that it plans to offload its 800 MHz spectrum to private investment firm Grain Management .
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Beyond the Bandwidth: ISPs Prioritize Resiliency in Times of Calm and Chaos
It’s been a tough six months for portions of the United States that have been ravaged by natural disasters.
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FTC Oustings Raise Red Flags For Other Agencies
Washington observers are still reeling after news that President Trump had fired Democratic FTC Commissioners Rebecca Slaughter and Alvaro Bedoya.