Stepping into her current role less than 18 months ago, Formica has already helped launch the new Syndeo Institute operating brand. An educator at heart, she’s developing new skills-based programs and has expanded the Intrapreneurship Academy’s roster—one addition being the timely course, “Human Innovation in an AI World.” A dedicated volunteer, Formica prioritizes mentoring and coaching others.

“Mentoring isn’t just imparting knowledge and guidance to others, it’s also an incredible opportunity for self-reflection and personal and professional growth.”

What biases do you believe have an impact on women’s advancement in the workplace? Women often face the “Motherhood Penalty” in the workplace. They may be perceived as less committed or unreliable due to parenting responsibilities and this can impact their career progression. Research has revealed that hiring managers are less likely to hire or promote women who are mothers. Typically, men are not exposed to the same bias if they are fathers; some even experience an earnings increase once they become a parent. (Source: American Association of University Women). The broken care system in the US makes it difficult for mothers to stay in the workforce or advance their careers. Long waiting lists and the high cost of daycare force many mothers to quit their jobs because it’s the more affordable option for childcare. In 2022, an estimated 1.4 million new mothers left the workforce for this reason. Incidentally, the cost of childcare exceeds the cost of in-state tuition in 34 states.

What leadership book do you recommend? For any new or seasoned leader, I would recommend ‘Extreme Ownership: How Former U.S. Navy Seals Lead and Win,’ by Jocko Willink and Leif Babin. As someone who was raised in a military family, I could relate to the over-arching lessons such as taking responsibility for your actions and decisions (which is missing in so many organizations today), having a strong work ethic, and, most importantly, discipline. The authors stress that you must be disciplined to do the work to overcome fear, procrastination, imposter syndrome, and other self-sabotaging activities.

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