Hometown: Greenwich, CT
Favorite Sports Team: Wherever Messi is playing
I want 30 seconds in an elevator with: Messi. I have an idea to pitch him…
Pickleball or tennis? Pickleball
Streaming app I use the most: Fubo of course. We were so proud to recently rank No. 1 in J.D. Power’s 2022 customer satisfaction survey among live TV streaming providers.
Where do you work most frequently—home, office, road? All of the above
What impact could AI have on the industry’s future? I’m really excited about the impact AI can have on personalizing the streaming experience. We have been big believers of AI at Fubo since 2021 when we acquired a company called Edisn.ai to grow our AI and computer vision capabilities. Our teams are now focused on implementing our proprietary AI technology to push the boundaries of how consumers can interact with live video. Stay tuned…
Industry Top Priority for 2023: The industry’s top priority should be ending the switching fatigue consumers feel as a result of content fragmentation. This streaming model also creates a challenging path to sustainability for media companies. That’s why we continue to believe aggregating the best content and delivering it through a single app is a massive opportunity for the industry and consumers alike.