The Why? Jackson leads Turner Sports’ internal division dedicated to diverse storytelling. The group helps produce a steady stream of content centered on the intersection of sports, culture and community. He’s also a producer for “The Arena,” which brings together voices from sports and civic leaders to discuss events happening off the court. Standout features include an MLK Day special highlighting voting rights and a discussion in the wake of the murder of George Floyd.
He says… “It is equally important to me to be equitable in the development of all employees under my leadership or under my mentorship both inside and outside of my organization. It’s a legacy I’m most proud of.”
Organization you’re proud to support? Besides my church, Christ the King Church, I am proud to support the Atlanta-based nsoro Educational Foundation, which provides scholarships for students that age out of foster care.
First event attended IRL when live reopened? The NBA Finals in 2021 between the Phoenix Suns and Milwaukee Bucks; my favorite part of the NBA season.
How inclusive is your recruitment and talent development? Long before companies became more intentional with diversity hiring practices, I demanded that I be provided a diverse pool of qualified candidates for all my positions when hiring. It is equally important to me to be equitable in the development of all employees under my leadership or under my mentorship both inside and outside of my organization. It’s a legacy I’m most proud of.