Years in Cable: 5
Education: JD
One Word that Best Describes Me: Adaptive
Too many cooks in the kitchen? Nah, this executive suite functions like a well-oiled machine. They sold Patriot Media to Comcast for one of the highest prices on record, and also turned around Choice in Puerto Rico before making money for their investor group. In other words, these executives are committed to the cable industry. Among individual achievements and qualities, Simmons executive-produced a documentary educational issues that earned a Regional Emmy Award. Holanda brings diversity to the company, having worked throughout the U.S. including Missouri, where he was Regional VP of operations for Charter, Gdovin handles negotiation of programming and retrans consent agreements and Rohre provides management for technical and business operations.
What does the future look like for skinny bundles and flexible packaging? It will all be dictated by customer demand and cable’s competition
My dream would be for nothing to be connected to the Internet of Things so it could not be a threat to the future of mankind (SkyMet. . . ahem).
Virtual reality is: Fascinating but not ready for prime time
Last show I watched not on my network(s): “Schitt’s Creek”