As Charter’s lead financial exec during a period of unprecedented investment, Fischer’s keen eye and financial acumen have been pivotal for the company. With large ongoing projects in full swing—like the $9 billion Rural Construction Initiative, which will connect 1.75 million homes and small businesses—she has also led efforts to manage expenses across the business without adversely impacting Charter’s sales or service capabilities.
“Katie Ledecky’s drive to constantly improve, even when she’s the best, and her reputation as a positive leader for U.S. swimmers set a great example in a sport rich with young female athletes. Women’s youth sports build the next generation of business leadership, and I am grateful for examples like Katie who inspire them.”
What do you believe is the next big disruption facing the industry? Increased data consumption for applications such as AI, Virtual and Augmented Reality, and increased high-quality video streaming will stress certain providers’ networks, while others will shine and meet consumers’ growing needs. At Spectrum, our robust network can meet customers’ growing needs and we are investing to make symmetrical and multi-gigabit speeds available to all customers across out entire footprint. As new transformative applications become mainstream, our customers will have the speeds and bandwidth they need.