It’s challenging to find a Charter department that hasn’t called on Unruh for advice. She’s even begun partnering with the Spectrum Originals and Spectrum News programming teams to strengthen efforts tied to their exclusive content offerings. She’s assisted in the development of financial and data analytics that allow Charter to make strategic decisions around its programming purchases and larger acquisitions. She loves Brené Brown and recommends “Daring Greatly” in particular. “I was introduced to the book when I was going through WICT’s Betsy Magness Leadership Institute, which reminds me that on the topic of female empowerment, there is no greater gift than having a personal and professional network of amazing and talented women,” she says.
What’s one way your company has broadened the recruiting process to ensure greater diversity?
There are many great recruiting programs in place at Charter and we are always looking for new ways to connect with talent. Recently, we broadened our recruiting process to include a partnership with the Hiring our Heroes Corporate Fellowship Program. Developed by the US Chamber of Commerce, the program connects companies with transitioning service members. The program is a win-win for Charter and the military community.
What one female empowerment book do you think every woman should read?
There are a lot of great ones, but I’ll go with the authentic messages shared in “Daring Greatly” by Brene Brown. Her theme that “courage starts with showing up and letting ourselves be seen” is one that really resonates for me. I was introduced to the book when I was going through WICT’s Betsy Magness Leadership Institute, which reminds me that on the topic of female empowerment, there is no greater gift than having a personal and professional network of amazing and talented women.