Laurel Weir

Weir, who recently expanded her purview to include Showtime programming and strategic insights, continues to drive significant results across the company. Paramount Media Adult Networks grew seven years in a row during Weir’s tenure, and the company’s hot streak continues with the likes of “Yellowstone,” “South Park” and “RuPaul’s Drag Race.”

“Gen Z is a unique gen-eration in that they define their identity through passions and talents rather than age and gender like older generations have done.”

If you took a six-month sabbatical, how would you spend it? If I took a six-month sabbatical, I have always wanted to experience temporarily living in another part of the world with my family. I have two young sons who would be so intrigued by experiencing a different culture for an extended period of time. I love seeing the world through their beautiful eyes and it would be such a memorable experience.

What is something you learned by mentoring someone? I have learned how mentoring is such a valuable experience. I believe it is an important part of our journey as executives. I regularly mentor students and young professionals and love the experience! We have so much to offer someone we are mentoring regardless of what career path the person may be exploring – it is an informal yet real world setting that creates a safe space that mentees may not be finding elsewhere. I often reflect on and share the guidance my mentors have offered me and it is an extremely valuable experience to see mentoring come full circle.

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