Guevara and his teams play a key role in Charter’s sales approach around converged connectivity, and he certainly has his hands full with the inbound sales team having 5,000+ employees alone. The group operates Charter’s multilingual contact centers for prospective customers, and under Guevara’s leadership the company also launched its first Bilingual Residential Outbound Sales Call Center, which looks to reach customers who speak English and/or Spanish.
Advice I would give a recent graduate: Adopt a growth mindset. The sooner you come to terms with the fact that life isn’t fair and that you cannot begin at the top, the sooner you can begin putting in the work to get to where you want. Maintain a humble attitude and be open to roles that will provide you with the most valuable learning opportunities.
Has the internet created more inclusion or exclusion? It has accomplished both. There are instances in which the digital divide continues to be significant among certain racial and economic groups, and this can result in the emergence of new forms of exclusion. It is necessary for us to continue to devise methods that enable the provision of information and services that assist in navigating the digital environment. This has the potential to serve as a catalyst for individuals’ well-being by presenting them with possibilities for education, economic development, and other fundamental requirements.
What do you think is the biggest misconception about diversity within your industry? When it comes to driving innovation that is meaningful to the people in the areas that we serve, DEI activities are very important. To achieve sustainable growth, it should not be viewed as a problem; rather, an opportunity that should be embraced as a strategic advantage. To be successful, it is not sufficient to simply have diversity, we must make it a priority to be inclusive in order to deliver the best possible outcome for customers & employees.
What does work-life balance mean to you? Retirement.