Anderson has been a vocal advocate for workforce diversity and addressing key issues affecting women, from equal pay to sexual harassment. Alongside her deep understanding of changes in telecom and evolving content distribution models, she is gearing up to engage with the world of professional soccer in the coming year with Mediacom CEO Rocco Commisso owning ACF Fiorentina and the New York Cosmos. Anderson serves as an officer of the Cosmos and as Counsel to the Chairman of the North American Soccer League.
What movie or show is must-watch for celebrating diversity? Sports. The beauty of professional sports is in its diversity—even if not always on the field, the court or the pitch—certainly within the stands.
Has the internet created more inclusion or exclusion? In many ways, the Internet has created a vast community of inclusion, where individuals tens of thousands of miles apart can bridge cultural chasms with the click of a mouse. However, social and digital inclusion go hand-in-hand. One of the greatest barriers to digital inclusion is access. Those who have one or more social or economic vulnerabilities are more likely to lack access to broadband connectivity, internet-enabled devices and digital literacy. In a world where an increasing number of daily activities are carried out online via the Internet, those with limited access to the Internet are marginalized, existing only on the periphery of a fast-moving world of connectivity unable to fully engage in the host of opportunities that exist, but which they cannot access. There needs to be parity in access in order for the Internet to achieve its greatest good of creating and fostering inclusion.