Hero of the Week – Maria Tijerino

Maria Tijerino, Hotwire Communications’ business planning manager, led the charge that would enable the company to maintain operations while protecting customers and employees during the pandemic. In the weeks before a work-from-home policy was implemented, she was instrumental in catering two hot meals a day for on- and off-site employees, coordinating daily deep cleans and weekly disinfecting spray-downs of the company’s HQ, installing sanitization stations, and overhauling the access layout to the building, partitioning areas used by frontline employees to secure them from outside contamination. Tijerino singlehandedly drove the entire market sourcing of masks, disinfectant wipes, and boot coverings, equipping techs with everything they needed to perform their essential functions while taking every precaution to protect themselves and the customers they served.
(This is a new weekly feature shining a spotlight on those in the industry who are going above and beyond during the pandemic. Send stories about your heroes to Amy Maclean at [email protected] with the subject line: Hero of the Week.)