Cablefax Celebrates 2018’s Most Powerful Women

Cablefax hosted its Most Powerful Women Luncheon at 583 Park Avenue in NYC on Thursday, honoring the top women in cable. Publisher Mike Grebb opened the show with insightful remarks about the #MeToo movement, at first tricking the audience by pretending men are the “victims.” He was followed by a hilarious introduction from Game Show Network’s Trish Suhr, formerly the “Yard Sale Diva” on “Clean House.”
Suhr provided plenty of color and laughs, joined by her fellow “southern belle,” editorial director Amy Maclean. “There’s just so many talented women. We spend a great deal of time sifting through nominations, making the hard choice of who’s in, who’s out, and then the almost impossible task of ranking the top 50 women,” Maclean explained.
Every year, Cablefax asks the women in a Q+A who most inspires them. This year, the Notorious RBG came in as an uncontested number one. “Many of you really, really love Ruth Bader Ginsburg,” Maclean joked. “I know at least one of you has an action figure of her in your purse, and I know you all join me in wishing her well as she recovers from her fall.”
Maclean then went on to highlight some of the remarks the top women had made in their Q+As. “Our honorees touched on everything from the #MeToo movement to the most dramatic changes that are happening in our industry,” she said. The full Q+As are featured with their profiles here.
Suhr then hopped back onstage, and the pair of dynamic women presented Cablefax’s 2018 class of Most Powerful Women with their awards. The women of Turner graced the cover this year, and bottles of wine at each table were provided by Philo to celebrate their one-year anniversary.