Editor’s Note: We will be featuring profiles from the 2012 CableFAX Most Powerful Women in Cable issue. Here are some words of wisdom from our #40 ranked woman. Go here to read the issue in its entirety.

Susan Swain

President, Co-CEO
A quick mid-day re-energizer: “Go for a walk, even if you only have time to go around the block. Nothing beats a change of scenery, a little fresh air and some exercise to give you some perspective on your day.”
Best mentor: “My boss Brian Lamb was—and continues to be—a great mentor. No one cares more about the people he works with, customers he serves and work product he creates. His enthusiasm for what we do, even after 35 years, is inspirational.”

The Daily


Disney Password Sharing Crackdown is Underway

Disney+ ’s pursuit to crack down on password and account sharing is underway. The streamer implemented its paid sharing program this week throughout the U.S., Canada, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Europe and the

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Dec 4
2024 Most Powerful Women Awards Nominations Open July 8th, 2024.
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