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➢ Only 35% of Americans aged 18-29 are following news about the presidential candidates very or fairly closely. That compares with 46% of those ages 30-49 and 60% of those ages 50-64.

➢ The gap closes when it comes to news of peaceful protests, with 83% of the youngest group following the news very or fairly closely.

➢ 38% of Americans say the COVID-19 pandemic has been exaggerated into a bigger deal than it really is while 21% say the situation has been downplayed. 40% believe the outbreak has been approached about right.

(Source: Pew Research)


“What is truly exciting about 5G is that people can see in it the future come to life. It represents the culmination of what was once only imagined in old Hollywood movies — a universe where wireless technology is embedded and ingrained in nearly everything. A 5G wireless world will no longer be about one, siloed device carried in a pocket or purse. If the Internet served to connect people and places through specialized devices, 5G will take it a step further to serve as the first real wireless standard to seamlessly connect everything else.”

– FCC commish Michael O’Rielly speaking at the NJ & NY Wireless Associations’ 2020 Update Webinar

The Daily


Nexstar Opens Share Repurchase Program

Nexstar ’s board approved a new share repurchase program to allow the company to repurchase up to $1.5 billion of common stock. The

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Jul 31
2024 Diversity & Pride List Awards Nominations close July 31st.
Aug 19
2024 Top Ops Awards The Magazine releases August 19, 2024.
Dec 4
2024 Most Powerful Women Awards Nominations Open July 8th, 2024.
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