Dashboard 9-3-19
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Driving into work today I saw these signs on the highways being changed. My eyes filled with water knowing what God has allowed to happen in my life. Atlanta has truly been the promised land for me. I came here with nothing, lived off Sylvan Road… cont: https://t.co/dTDtc1QFSn pic.twitter.com/Pf3JR5tUo2
— Tyler Perry (@tylerperry) August 28, 2019
- Austin is the top streaming market in terms of reach, with 70% of the adult population having streamed content in May 2019.
- Streamers are younger, earn more and have likely attained more education than non-streamers.
- 82% of adult streamers watch linear broadcast stations, and almost 90% watch linear cable networks.
- 77% of streamers have access to broadcast stations and cable networks via traditional cable providers or vMVPDs.
(Source: Nielsen’s Local Watch Report 2019)
Up Ahead
Sept 13 – 17: The IBC Show; Amsterdam
Sept 16: WICT Touchstones Luncheon; NYC
Sept 16-18: CCA Annual Convention; Providence, Rhode Island
Sept 17-18: 33rd Annual NAMIC Conference; NYC
Sept 23 – 26: Advertising Week, NYC
Sept 30 – Oct 3: Cable-Tec Expo; New Orleans, LA
“I’ve been fortunate in my life that I’ve had people be very generous to me. I’m more fortunate than most people are, financially, and I know how much it means to people and how much of a difference it can make for them. People who don’t make as much money as me don’t do so because they don’t deserve it. Sometimes, it’s just about luck. Lisa is one of those folks I’ve come across in my life that have such a positive attitude. And this just felt right.”
– Anonymous Comcast exec speaking to Philadelphia Magazine about $1K tip.