In the Wild: Olympics Celebration

Comcast NBCUniversal returned to the French ambassador’s residence in a tony section of D.C. to celebrate the opening of the Olympics. The elegant Tudor was also the venue for its “Road to Paris” kickoff event in September, which started the company’s unofficial countdown to the Summer Games.
Friday’s soirée was yet another sophisticated affair, though it understandably lacked the star power of September’s shindig given that many are in Paris for the big to-do. While partygoers noshed on American and French hors d’oeuvres, Mike Tirico was guiding NBC and Peacock viewers through an ambitious (and controversial) Opening Ceremony that used the City of Love as its main stage. There were some famous faces among the evening’s crowd in D.C., including CNN anchor Jim Acosta and NBC Washington Chief Meteorologist Doug Kammerer.
Guests were treated to breaking (a new sport for this year’s Games) and martial arts performances as they entered the residence. A costumed NBC Peacock made the rounds, while mimes mingled. In a clever twist, the evening’s red, white and blue pins could be used to express support for either France or America—smart given that both English and French conversations could be heard throughout the night.
Let’s do it all again in two years at Villa Firenze! Evviva!