Strawberry shortcake anyone? Discovery Family Channel, formerly known as The Hub, held a family-friendly event in Los Angeles’ Glassell Park this past weekend in anticipation of the June 20 premiere of season 4 of “Strawberry Shortcake’s Berry Bitty Adventures.” The characters Strawberry Shortcake and Cherry Jam were in attendance for a strawberry planting session in the Glassell Park Community Garden, formerly a drug house in a crime-ridden area and now a site for families to gather.
Also present were LA City Council Member Mitch O’Farrell, Police Captain Jeffrey Bert and child star Kaya Rose Davis. Mini-strawberry shortcakes were donated by 9021oh! Cupcakes.
Discovery Family Channel’s Strawberry Shortcake and Cherry Jam join LA City Council Member Mitch O’Farrell and Police Captain Jeffrey Bert in a special event teaching the families of Glassell Park how to plant strawberries. The event helped kick off a new season of “Strawberry Shortcake’s Berry Bitty Adventures (June 20 premiere) and celebrate the Strawberry Shortcake brand’s 35th anniversary. Glassell Park Community Garden, which was developed on the site of a former crack house, has helped to revitalize a neighborhood previously ravaged by crime.
Child star Kaya Rose Davis was among the VIPs that showed up to join Discovery Family Channel’s Strawberry Shortcake and Cherry Jam.
Kroenke Sports & Entertainment (KSE Media) promoted Tim Boell to EVP, Content Distribution and Affiliate Marketing. He’s been with the company for 10 years, previously holding distribution roles at
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