The latest in:
BEAD funding
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NTIA Approves Three More BEAD Initial Proposals
NTIA is ready to give more entities access to their BEAD funding, approving the initial proposals of the District of Columbia, Delaware and the state of Washington.
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Powell Says FCC Rules Will Fall, Hinder Other Work
On the eve of the FCC’s vote to open a proceeding to bring back Title II net neutrality rules, NCTA President/CEO Michael Powell warned the cable industry that it’s a “shocking mistake.”
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NTIA Builds BEAD Proposal Progress Dashboard
NTIA launched a dashboard allowing anyone to track states and territories eligible for BEAD funding as they progress through the major milestones needed to submit their Initial Proposals by Dec. 27.
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FBA, Cartesian Model Tries to Find High-Cost Threshold
With the industry inching ever closer to the distribution of BEAD funding, associations and consultants are burning the midnight oil to develop tools and processes for ensuring states are developing plans that funnel money to the right places.
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States Battle to Make BEAD Work for Them
States quickly got to work after NTIA announced in June the BEAD funding allocations to be made to each of them, and the challenges of making a federal program function within each state’s established broadband grant frameworks are quickly coming to light.
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Hear Ye: NTIA Flooded with Comments on Spectrum, BEAD NOFO
NTIA asked the industry to chime in on what it would want to see for a national spectrum strategy, and it showed up. NTIA is hoping to identify at least 1500 MHz of spectrum to study for potential repurposing.