The latest in:
broadband maps
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States Leveling Up Mapping Ahead of FCC Maps
States are preparing for the opportunity to challenge the FCC’s revamped broadband availability maps, and sometimes that means creating their own maps that track internet service within their borders.
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Go Time: NTIA Releases Notice of Funding Opportunity for BEAD
NTIA closed the week with a bang, releasing Notice of Funding Opportunities for three broadband programs funded by the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. Of course, the big kahuna is the BEAD program.
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Powell: FCC Mapping Issues Won’t Be Solved This Fall
NCTA President/CEO Michael Powell is skeptical that every map problem will be solved when the FCC releases broadband maps this fall.
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FCC Promises Maps This Fall, Rip and Replace Fund Inquiry
FCC Chair Jessica Rosenworcel fielded questions from members of Congress on everything from the status of broadband maps to state of independent programming on MVPDs.
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Microsoft Criticizes FCC on Broadband Map Progress
Microsoft’s annual update on its Airband Initiative showcased the company’s progress on closing the digital divide, as well data holes with FCC maps.
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Providers Have Questions About USTelecom’s Mapping Plan
It’s difficult to find something in Washington that many stakeholders can agree on, but the need for improved broadband maps at the FCC has become a bipartisan topic