The latest in:
CableFAX Daily
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Editor’s Note
Cablefax Daily will not publish Monday, Jan. 20, in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Your next issue will arrive Tuesday, Jan. 21.
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Happy Holidays
Cablefax Daily will go on hiatus for the holidays so that our editors can catch up on TV.
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Editor’s Note
Cablefax Daily will not publish next week as our editors enjoy a Thanksgiving break. Keep an eye to for any breaking news updates.
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Editor’s Note
Cablefax Daily will not publish on Monday in observance of Veterans Day. Thank you to the brave men and women who served our country and fought for our freedom.
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Editor’s Note
Cablefax Daily will not be publishing Friday, Sept. 27. The next issue will hit your inbox Monday, Sept. 30. will keep you updated on any breaking news.