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Pai To Head CTIA
Searchlight Capital Partner Ajit Pai is heading to CTIA to become the wireless association’s President/CEO, effective April 1.
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Wireless Industry Organizes to Take Down ‘Cableopoly’
The wireless industry is taking its fight for exclusive licensed spectrum to another level, launching a coalition lobbying for access to new swaths of the limited resource.
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Battle of the Bands: Cable, Wireless Spar Over Next Steps on Spectrum
It was a new era for the House Communications Subcommittee Thursday with fresh leadership and new faces taking their seats for a hearing on wireless technologies and the spectrum behind them.
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Powell Among Witnesses at Spectrum Hearing
The industry will have a front-row seat at the House Communications Subcommittee’s first hearing of the 119th Congress, with NCTA President/CEO Michael Powell to testify Thursday morning.
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Sixth Circuit Strikes Down FCC’s Title II Order
The Sixth Circuit has made its call on the FCC’s most recent attempt to regulate broadband as a Title II service, with the decision finding that the agency lacks the legal authority to institute such rules.
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SCOTUS Won’t Hear NY Low-Cost Broadband Case
The U.S. Supreme Courton Monday declined to consider arguments from ACA Connects, USTelecom and other ISP groups regarding New York’s Affordable Broadband Act.