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Carr Shreds Bulk Billing Plan
FCC Chair Brendan Carr rolled back an action of his predecessor on Friday, removing from circulation an item related to the alleged harms that arise from bulk billing arrangements between ISPs and MDUs.
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Bulky Decision: Nonprofit, ISPs Caution FCC on MTE Item
It’s clear some are sweating potential FCC action on bulk billing agreements—and it’s not just broadband providers sounding the alarm.
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American Consumer Institute Builds ACP Extension Website
The American Consumer Institute is doing its part to fight for the extension of the FCC’s Affordable Connectivity Program, launching a website sharing information on the program and resources on how to promote the program.
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Doing Good
ACA Connects and EducationSuperHighway are partnering in support of the “K-12 Bridge to Broadband” initiative working to connect
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USTelecom Joins Broadband Initiative
US Telecom is joining the “K-12 Bridge to Broadband” initiative, launched by NCTA in partnership with EducationSuperHighway earlier this month.