The latest in:
Hawaiian Telcom
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Beyond the Bandwidth: ISPs Prioritize Resiliency in Times of Calm and Chaos
It’s been a tough six months for portions of the United States that have been ravaged by natural disasters.
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Hawaiian Telcom President Talks Fiber Challenges
Not every fiber build is the same, especially not when you’re managing an archipelago.
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HT Says Hawaii Will be First Fully Fiber State
Hawaii is poised to become the first fully fiber enabled state in the nation thanks to a $1.7 billion investment from Hawaiian Telcom.
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Fiber Frenzy
Hawaiian Telcom launched its 3 Gig symmetrical offering to households in all fiber-enabled areas throughout the Aloha State.
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DirecTV Still Wants FCC to Rule on Disney Complaint
If you need a reminder that the dust didn’t completely settle when Disney and DirecTV ended their blackout last month, just take a look at the docket for the MVPD’s FCC complaint against the programmer.
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Nexstar Says SCOTUS Cases Help its Retrans Fine Appeal
Nexstar is pointing the FCC to two recent U.S. Supreme Court decisions in its arguments for the agency to rescind its proposed forfeiture of $720,000 for its handling of retransmission consent negotiations with Hawaiian Telcom last year.