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Larry Irving
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NTIA Talks 30 Years of Its Internet Use Survey
NTIA and the U.S. Census Bureau have been knocking on doors for more than 30 years to gather the information needed for what’s known today as NTIA’s Internet Use Survey.
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Pace U Wins Interactive Case Competition
It was a battle of the minds at the 2023 Interactive Case Competition on Thursday evening, where the topic of this year’s event centered on broadband equity and bridging the digital divide.
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Interactive Case Competition
Don’t forget to register for Thursday’s live Interactive Case Competition event! The topic for the fall competition is broadband equity, with top MBA student teams presenting innovative strategies to promote broadband adoption.
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Pai Talks ‘Fair Play’ at MMTC Summit
FCC Chmn Ajit Pai presented opening remarks at the Minority Media & Telecommunications Council’s 9th Annual Broadband and Social Justice Summit, addressing an issue from the past that’s again rearing its ugly head: discriminatory practices in the advertising industry.