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On the Hill
Sen Antitrust subcmte chmn Herb Kohl (D-WI) announced Comcast evp David Cohen and Verizon general counsel Randal Milch as
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On the Hill
Retrans reformers have to be high-fiving over a Roll Call article that quotes Sen Jim DeMint (R-SC) as saying if he becomes chair or ranking Republican of Commerce next year, he'll focus on updating and
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On the Hill
The message from companies Wed at a House Commerce cybersecurity hearing: no unneeded regulation. "Flexibility is absolutely necessary in light of the high-velocity changes in technology, business models
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On the Hill
House Commerce approved the FCC reform bill 31-16 Tues over the protests of Democrats, who complain it limits FCC authority
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On the Hill
Actor/comedian/"America's Got Talent" host Nick Cannon will be a special guest at Wed's Privacy Caucus hearing on protecting the privacy
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On the Hill
The House Energy and Commerce Cmte requested from the FCC , NTIA and PNT ExCom all written and electronic comm from Apr '09-present regarding