The latest in:
net neutrality
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Sixth Circuit Won’t Rehear Net Neutrality Case
The Sixth Circuit officially denied a petition for rehearing en banc on Tuesday, sticking by a January decision to strike down an FCC order regulating broadband as a Title II service.
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Effros: Predictions
There’s going to be lots to consider as we navigate through a new administration and court authority over regulation. Prediction: It’s not going to be pretty.
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Sixth Circuit Strikes Down FCC’s Title II Order
The Sixth Circuit has made its call on the FCC’s most recent attempt to regulate broadband as a Title II service, with the decision finding that the agency lacks the legal authority to institute such rules.
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Sixth Circuit Hears Title II Oral Arguments
The latest round of the net neutrality boxing match had less fervor surrounding it compared to previous bouts.
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Effros: Who Rules?
No matter who wins, the most radical proposals being bandied about would not likely survive judicial review.
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All Rise: Sixth Circuit Judges Picked for Title II Hearing
The Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals revealed the three-judge panel that will hear oral arguments for ISPs’ challenge of the FCC’s Title II net neutrality order, and it’s an all-GOP cast.