The latest in:
Sam Feist
In the Wild: C-SPAN Celebrates 46th Anniversary
Every year, March 19 signifies a new milestone for C-SPAN.
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C-SPAN Founders Day
Happy (almost) birthday to C-SPAN, which is getting ready to celebrate 46 years of service Wednesday.
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ACA Connects Hits The Hill
It’s going to be a busy ACA Connects Summit on Wednesday, particularly for President and CEO Grant Spellmeyer.
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On the Circuit
C-SPAN CEO Sam Feist is set to be on hand at the ACA Connects Annual Summit in D.C.
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Meet & Greet: C-SPAN’s Incoming CEO Ready to Solidify Network’s Future
We chatted with new C-SPAN CEO Sam Feist as he was heading over to meet with staffers for the first time about why the role appealed to him.