The latest in:
Sixth Circuit
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Sixth Circuit Won’t Rehear Net Neutrality Case
The Sixth Circuit officially denied a petition for rehearing en banc on Tuesday, sticking by a January decision to strike down an FCC order regulating broadband as a Title II service.
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Sixth Circuit Strikes Down FCC’s Title II Order
The Sixth Circuit has made its call on the FCC’s most recent attempt to regulate broadband as a Title II service, with the decision finding that the agency lacks the legal authority to institute such rules.
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Intervenors in Title II Case Get Five Minutes in Court
The Sixth Circuit on Wednesday granted a request to give intervenors’ five minutes of oral argument time in the challenge of the FCC’s Title II net neutrality order.
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Title II, Low-Income Broadband Updates From the Courts
The debate around the FCC’s Title II order continues in the Sixth Circuit.
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Court Hits Pause on Title II, Wants Oral Arguments This Fall
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit granted broadband providers’ request for a stay of the FCC’s Title II open internet rules.
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Public Interest Groups Want In On Title II Suit
Free Press, New America’s Open Technology Institute and Public Knowledge are looking to get involved in a serious way in the Sixth Circuit challenge of the FCC’s Title II order.