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FTC Oustings Raise Red Flags For Other Agencies
Washington observers are still reeling after news that President Trump had fired Democratic FTC Commissioners Rebecca Slaughter and Alvaro Bedoya.
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FCC Receives Strong Pushback on ‘60 Minutes’ Investigation
The comments are in, and First Amendment and broadcaster advocates are speaking out against the FCC ’s investigation into allegations of news distortion at CBS over a “60 Minutes” interview with
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Title II, Low-Income Broadband Updates From the Courts
The debate around the FCC’s Title II order continues in the Sixth Circuit.
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More Join Fight Against FCC Digital Discrimination Rules
The court battle against the FCC’s digital discrimination rules is heating up the Eighth Circuit as more submit their objections to the agency’s approach to the statute.
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Round and Round: Let the Title II Debate Begin (Again)
That collective groan you heard Tuesday came from lawyers, analysts, reporters, and telecom execs gearing up for the fight that never ends—net neutrality, or more specifically Title II regulation.
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SpaceX, LTD Get Little Support for RDOF Review
SpaceX’s Starlink and LTD Broadband aren’t letting the FCC pull back their RDOF funding that easily, but neither company is receiving much support in the relevant dockets.