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Popularity in Ad-Supported Streaming Rising, VAB Finds
Ad-supported streaming is now mainstream in the eyes of VAB.
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Gen Z Finds that Social Media is Not So Social
A new report from The Video Advertising Bureau highlights that the time spent on major social media networking apps for those 18-24 is down 25% YOY.
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VAB Panel Discusses New Advertising Opportunities
Fragmentation is an opportunity, not a problem. That was the optimistic theme displayed during VAB’s recent “The State of Streaming: What’s New, Now and Next” panel part of its spotlight series.
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Six Keys for Streaming Growth
The streaming space is one of the more competitive arenas out there, and VAB and Hub Entertainment Research teamed up to identify six important areas for streamers to focus on to help find success.
Executive Round Up: Favorite Super Bowl Memory
We asked executives in the industry what their favorite Super Bowl-related memory is. Here’s what they had to say.
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‘Swiftie Effect’ Takes NFL Viewership Up a Notch
Karma is VAB studying the NFL’s viewership across TV.