After the election, Elon Musk touted that his X platform, formerly Twitter, had reached an all-time usage high for the week. The social media platform, which Musk purchased in 2022, reported a 15.5% lift in new user signups on Election Day and a global all-time daily high of 942 million posts worldwide. A staunch supporter of Donald Trump and vocal critic of mainstream media, Musk greeted Trump’s election with a post declaring, “You are the media now.”

Just as the election was divisive, so are opinions of X. But OpenVault looked at data from broadband providers for Nov. 5 and found traffic to the social media site did indeed surge. From 8pm to midnight ET, it found a 91% increase in usage compared to average usage for the previous three Tuesdays. For the entire day, it was up 34%.

Of course, there are plenty of questions about whether X may lose users who don’t support Trump or Musk. Social media platform BlueSky has reported gaining nearly 700,000 new users in the past week, most from the U.S. It ranks as second behind Meta’s Threads as the top free app in social networking apps in the Apple Store. X appears in the free news app category and is ranked second, behind Reddit.

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