Tech Companies Embrace April Fool’s

By now, everyone’s seen the Pac-Man April Fool’s prank on Google Maps. But there’s still plenty of fun foolishness trolling the Internet, with tech companies especially fond of the holiday.
Google Fiber
Forget gigabit speeds. Google Fiber launches “Dial-Up Mode,” billing it as a way for users to get “their time back.”
Sony PlayStation
Wearables are hot right now. So, PlayStation’s upping game play with sensors you can wear while gaming in the pool.
Selfie sticks were popular mediums for April Fool pranks this year, from Twitter’s Twelfie stick to take-off with a Selfie Shoe. But Motorola’s take on the art of creating the actual stick with wood and leather was our favorite.
No videos for these, but we also loved Twelve South’s HiRise Toast, the Roku Watch, and IFC’s announcement to now use the “slightly off” version of the live+3 ratings reporting metric: live+2.9999. (It’s actually a real announcement about IFC reporting on Live+3 moving forward, but spun in their own way on the appropriate day.) Seen some great ones that we missed? Tell us in the comments below.